Key Developments

The Company has been awarded the largest-ever construction project since its inception.
The Company was granted a construction project worth USD 263,955,452.33 (including VAT) in Xekong, Lao PDR. The project will take around 32 months to complete.
The Company was renamed to “PSG Corporation Public Company Limited”
The Company was renamed from “T Engineering Corporation Public Company Limited” to “PSG Corporation Public Company Limited” and the stock symbol was changed from “T” to “PSG”.
The Company increased its registered capital
The Company increased its registered capital by offering 54,044,000,000 newly issued ordinary shares, with a par value of THB 1 per share, to 5 new investors at a price of THB 0.02 per share through a private placement process.
The Company reduced its registered capital
The Company reduced its registered capital from THB 12,826,431,971 to THB 10,948,438,156 by cancelling 1,877,993,815 unissued shares at a par value of THB 1 per share.
The Company reduced the registered capital from THB
10,545,938,156 to THB 10,114,938,156 by cancelling the unallocated registered shares.
The Company increased the registered capital from THB
10,114,938,156 to THB 12,826,431,971 by issuing 2,711,493,815 new ordianary shares, with a par value of THB 1 per share, to be offered via Rights Offering and Private Placement processes.
The Company reduced its registered capital
The Company reduced its registered capital from THB 13,035,049,764 to THB 10,545,938,156 as a consequence of the cancellation of the unallocated shares reserved for T-WA and T-W3.
Delivered the following projects:
* Art of Baking: Factory building
* Better Foods: Office building and Science laboratory
* Kalasin-Thonburi Hospital Building
* Aspen Condominium Lasalle, Phase A and B